News from the Annenberg School for Communication

July 23, 2013

In this issue:

New Faculty members: A generational transformation

New Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication at ASC

APPC study finds, for parents, “Do as I say, not as I do” does not work

Annenberg, SEAS, Design program ranked among the top

Annenberg in the news





New Faculty members: A generational transformation

Annenberg has added six new faculty members in the past year. Their scholarly work strengthens and positions the School for the future. 

New Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication at ASC

The Annenberg School begins project to expand its global communication studies outreach  with the creation of the Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication Studies (PARGC). Additionally, Project Director Prof. Marwan M. Kraidy published the essay “The Body as Medium in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities,” in the journal Communication and Critical Cultural Studies.

APPC study finds, for parents, “Do as I say, not as I do” does not work

Published study by Annenberg Public Policy Center researchers Amy Bleakley, Amy Jordan, and Michael Hennessy generated significant media interest, most recently on

Annenberg, SEAS, Design program ranked among the top

A Digital Media Design program offered by Penn Engineering, Annenberg, and Penn Design has been ranked among the top programs of its kind on the East Coast.

Annenberg in the news

Prof. Kathleen Hall Jamieson was interviewed by the Associated Press and the CBC about Rolling Stone magazine’s decision to put a “rock star” like photo of accused Boston bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev on the cover.  She talked with Mother Jones magazine about super pac ad spending. 

The ongoing civil unrest in Egypt and how it is covered by so-called traditional media and social media has been a topic of interest in the news.  Annenberg’s Prof. Marwan M. Kraidy talked to National Public Radio about how the Middle East news network Al Jazeera is coming under fire for its coverage of events in Egypt, and he spoke to The Philadelphia Inquirer about how social media can be a double-edged sword for both sides of a protest. Earlier this month he spoke to the public radio program “Background Briefing” about the Egyptian protest.

Prof. Diana Mutz was an expert witness in the trial challenging the Pennsylvania voter identification law.  During her testimony, Prof. Mutz said the law was poorly publicized.

Prof. Barbie Zelizer talked to The Philadelphia Inquirer about the season premiere of the HBO television show “The Newsroom.” in The Philadelphia Daily News.



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