George Gerbner Archive
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Johnson, Larry

  • Correspondence 01/21/1991 - 01/03/2001
  • Storytelling on Video Is Not Storytelling
    Article Title: Storytelling on Video Is Not Storytelling
    Author: Larry Johnson
    Journal Title: The National Storytelling Journal
    Issue Date: Spring/Summer 1988
    Pages: 47 - 48

  • The Thrill of Fear
    Article Title: The Thrill of Fear
    Author: Marie Hofer
    Journal Title: Storytelling
    Issue Date: Fall 1990
    Pages: 9 - 12

  • Sprouts, Kids, and Videotape
    Article Title: Sprouts, Kids, and Videotape
    Author: Larry Johnson
    Journal Title: Storytelling
    Issue Date: Spring 1990
    Page: 22

  • Video Letter Exchange 1990
    Transcript and Flyer

  • "Pumping Video" and Other Storytelling Exercises for TV - Flabby Minds
  • The Legend of Sadako
    Article Title: The Legend of Sadako
    Author: Larry Johnson and Elaine Wynne
    Journal Title: Storytelling
    Issue Date: July 1997
    Pages: 28 - 29

  • Networking Notes for the 'Heads and Tales' November '94 Storytelling in Education Conference 11/20/1993
  • School As TV Production - draft 01/1994
    Reloaded article and newsclippings

  • Beginning Thoughts on a Draft for Structure of CEM 10/17/1995
  • Larry Johnson - Biography 02/20/1996
  • Elaine Wynne - Biography 02/20/1996
  • Storytelling
    Miscellaneous documents related to the storytelling movement.

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