About the Archive Biography Cultural Indicators Project Cultural Environment Movement Publications Correspondence -- Individuals
Correspondence between George Gerbner and The Honorable Walter Annenberg A B C - D E - H J - L
Jansen, Sue Curry Jhally, Sut Johnson, Larry Johnson, Nicholas Johnson, Roger Jokell, Victor Jurs, Addie Kamalipour, Yahya Kang, Hyeon-Dew Kang, Won-Yong Kellner, Douglas Kenzor, Karen Kitross, Mike Klapper, Joseph Klein, Esther Kline, Gerard Knapp, Mark Korac, Nada Korzenny, Felipe Kovats, Ildiko Kroll, Henry Kropf, Robin Landay, Jerry Lang, Kurt and Gladys Lasswell, Harold Lazarsfeld, Paul Lee, Kyung-Ja Lee, Martin Lent, John Lerner, Daniel Levine, Madeline Levo-Henriksson, Ritva Levy, David Lewis, Justin Lewis, Oscar Liebert, Robert M. Linne, Olga Linnen, Michele Long, Judith Lowenthal, Leo Lynch, Kathleen
M N - O P R S T V - Z
Correspondence -- Organizations Instructional Materials Clippings Photographs, Slides and Negatives Unpublished Materials Secondary Publications
Landay, Jerry
- Let's Overhaul TV's Political Advertising
Article Title: Let's Overhaul TV's Political Advertising Author: Jerry Landay Journal Title: Television Quarterly Issue Number: 1 Volume: 26 Issue Date: 1992 Pages: 31 - 37
- Correspondence 07/23/1993 - 10/12/1997
Jerry Landay and George Gerbner
- Collegers-ages rediscover (and like!) PTV
Article Title: Collegers-ages rediscover (and like!) PTV Author: Jerry Landay Journal Title: Public Telecommunications Review Issue Date: June 14, 1993
- Curriculum Vita
- Reviews, Articles, Commentary 1993 - 1997
- Syllabus Spring 1993
For Journalism 291, "Issues in Television."
- The Cradle of PBS
Article Title: The Cradle of PBS Author: Jerry Landay Journal Title: Illionois Quarterly Issue Number: 1 Volume: 3 Issue Date: Winter 1991 Pages: 35 - 41
- The Great TV Debate: It's About Far More than Violence 10/09/1993
Draft for the Chicago Tribune.
- The Mediarchy: Commercial TV and t he Conquest of the American Mind 1997
A book proposal