Gerbner Library
Correspondence -- Organizations
> Centre International du Film pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse >
About the Archive
Cultural Indicators Project
Cultural Environment Movement
Correspondence -- Individuals
Correspondence -- Organizations
C.S. Fund
California Newsreel
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Carter Center
Caucus for Producers, Writers, and Directors, The
Center for Commercial-Free Public Education
Center for Inquiry
Center for International and Development Communication
Center for Literacy
Center for Media and Values
Center for Media Education
Center for Media Literacy
Center for Psychology and Social Change
Center for Substance Abuse and Prevention
Center for the Analysis of Commercialism in Education
Centre d'etudes sur les medias
Centre International du Film pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse
Century Foundation, The
Chicago Media Watch
Children Now
Citizens Action for Better Television
Citizens Crime Commission
Citizens for Independent Public Broadcasting
City Club of Cleveland
Civil Rights Forum
Columbia Journalism Review
Columbus Schools for Girls
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
Communication Media Center
Communications and Social Change (Bellagio, Italy)
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Corporate Fund for Children
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Country Day School Headmasters' Association of The United States
The Committees of Correspondence
D - E
F - G
H - I
J - L
M - N
O - Q
R - S
T - W
Instructional Materials
Photographs, Slides and Negatives
Unpublished Materials
Secondary Publications
Centre International du Film pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse
Correspondence, 1996-1997
CIFEJ Info, November 1996
CIFEJ information packet
Joan Irving and Connie Tadros, Creating a Space for Children: Children's Film and Television in Central and Eastern Europe, 1997
Title: Creating a Space for Children: Children's Film and Television in Central and Eastern Europe
Author: Joan Irving and Connie Tadros
Chapter: Vol. 2
Publisher: Centre International du Film pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse
Year of Publication: 1997
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