About the Archive Biography Cultural Indicators Project Cultural Environment Movement Publications Correspondence -- Individuals
Correspondence between George Gerbner and The Honorable Walter Annenberg A B C - D E - H J - L M N - O P
Pack, Michael Packard, Vance Paisley, Matilda Paisley, William Pan, Evelyn Pasquali, Antonio Pearce, W. Barnett Pechmann, Connie Peterson, Theodore Phelan, John Philips, Almarin Pocheptsov, Oleg Pollay, Richard Pomeranz, Murray Postman, Neil Prince, Steve
R S T V - Z
Correspondence -- Organizations Instructional Materials Clippings Photographs, Slides and Negatives Unpublished Materials Secondary Publications
Pomeranz, Murray
- Bang Bang, Shoot Shoot! Film, Television, Guns.
A conference programme.
- Correspondence 12/22/1997 - 05/11/1998