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Parents' Music Resource Center

  • Correspondence, Tipper Gore, Susan Baker, and Nancy Hoit, 1990
  • Media Mania, draft, with correspondence, Jennifer Norwood, August 16, 1990
    Includes Correspondence.

  • Media Mania, draft, with correspondence, Jennifer Norwood, September 12, 1990
  • Media Mania, project summary, July 5, 1990
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York, correspondence, Media and Adolescence briefing, and Media Mania script, 1991
  • Kenneth Klothen, It's 1992: Tipper Gore Knows Where Our Kids Are. Do We?, July 29, 1992
    Article Title: It's 1992: Tipper Gore Knows Where Our Kids Are. Do We?
    Author: Kenneth Klothen
    Journal Title: Philadlephia Inquirer
    Issue Date: July 29, 1992

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